Short on time but you still want to fit in a yoga practice ?
Just keep it simple with this short daily yoga sequence for flexibility, strength, energy and balance.
Take 5-8 breaths in each pose. Be mindful.
On the bottom of this article, you will also find a short yoga video for busy days.
1. Cat Cow Pose
Cat pose , the round back, stretches the spine, back muscles and neck, stimulates blood flow in the wrists and increases the circulation of spinal fluid. Cow pose stretches the front of the torso and throat area. It is a my favorite warm-up for the spine and, when synchronised with the breath, has a calming effect on the mind
Tip: As you round the spine on a exhalation (Cat Pose), try energetically push the heels of the hands away from you. As you inhale and dip the spine (Cow Pose), draw the heels of the hands towards you.
2. Low Lunge
Stretches the chest, hip flexors, quadriceps, sides of the waist and tops of the ankles and feet. Improves balance and mental focus. This is your go to if your a runner, cyclist or if you spend a lot of the day sitting.
Tip: Energetically draw the front heel and the back knee together to create more stability in the hips /and groin
3. Warrior II
Stretches the inner thighs, groin, chest, lungs and shoulders. Strengthens your legs, improves stamina and concentration.
Tip: To avoid creating tension in the shoulders, keep the shoulders soft and think about bringing shoulder blades away from each other.
4. Triangle Pose
Strengthens the legs, back and torso, lengthens the side of the body, stretches the inner thighs, hamstrings, calves, spine, shoulders, chest and hips.
FunTip: To create more strength and tone in the waist and stability in the legs, play with hovering the lower hand slightly away from the leg
5. Tree Pose
Improves balance, creates external rotation in the hips, strengthens the ankles, legs and spine, increases focus and concentration and quietens the mind.
Tip: Press the sole of the foot of the bent leg into the thigh and – equally as firmly – press the thigh into the sole of the foot. It can help you keep the sole of the foot in place.
6. Locust Pose
Improves both strength and flexibility in the back, stretches the front of the body, increases stamina and stimulates the digestive organs.
Tip: Rather than going for height in this pose, think about lengthen the front of the body. Keep the back of the neck long and extend through the crown of the head, the fingers, and the toes.
7. Cow Face
Stretches the ankles, hips and thighs, opens the upper back, chest and shoulders, and works the triceps.
Tip: Try to avoid turning the pose into a backbend just to get your fingers to reach. It’s better to use a strap or scarf, belt between your hands. Draw the lower ribs slightly in and focus instead on lengthening the elbows away from one another.
8. Legs up the Wall
Definitely one of my favorite go to’s after a long day on my feet. This pose is known as the ‘great rejuvenator’ for good reason. It releases pressure in the legs, helps the circulation of both blood and lymphatic fluid and is a wonderful pose to do before bed or if you wake up in the middle of the night.
Tip: Place a pillow/bolster/folded blanket under your lower back to make it more of an inverted pose or to release tension in your lower back.
I’m sure you’ll like this short yoga sequence too:
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